Disclaimer: A potential security risk has been identified in this module. We do not recommend its usage unless you’re confident about the source of all code running on the page.
This module will trigger a viewability pixel when a given HTML element becomes viewable according to custom viewability criteria.
This module does not work on IE because it uses the IntersectionObserver.
Note that there are other viewability modules in Prebid.js:
The viewability module provides two functions: startMeasurement
and stopMeasurement
which can be used to enable viewability measurements.
These functions are intended to be added to the page. Here’s how they work:
This function has 4 positional parameters when called as a function: pbjs.viewability.startMeasurement(vid, element, tracker, criteria)
pos | param | scope | type | description | example |
1 | vid | required | string | unique viewability identifier, used to reference particular tracker which can later be used to stop the measurement. It allows for multiple trackers, with different criteria to be registered for a given HTML element, independently. vid is not autogenerated by startMeasurement(), it needs to be provided by caller so that it doesn’t have to be posted back to the source iframe (in case viewability is started from within the creative). | ‘test-div-1’ |
2 | element | required | reference | reference to the HTML element that needs to be tracked. | test-div |
3 | tracker | required | object | an object type with two properties, method (‘img’,’js’,’callback’) and value which can be an URL string for ‘img’ and ‘js’ trackers, or a function for ‘callback’ tracker. |
{ method: 'img', value: 'http://my.tracker/123' } |
4 | criteria | required | object | an object type with two properties, inViewThreshold which is a number (0, 1.0] representing a percentage of viewable element we’re aiming at, and timeInView which is a number of milliseconds that a given element needs to be in view continuously, above a threshold. |
{ inViewThreshold: 0.5, timeInView: 1000 } |
When a tracker needs to be started without direct access to Prebid.js, postMessage mechanism can be used to invoke startMeasurement
with the following payload:
param | scope | type | description | example |
vid | required | string | unique viewability identifier. See the description above. | ‘test-div-1’ |
tracker | required | object | see above | { method: 'img', value: 'http://my.tracker/123' } |
criteria | required | object | see above | { inViewThreshold: 0.5, timeInView: 1000 } |
message | required | string | must be ‘Prebid Viewability’ | ‘Prebid Viewability’ |
action | required | string | must be ‘startMeasurement’ | ‘startMeasurement’ |
elementId | optional | string | element ID. The message listener can figure this out from the source iframe. | ‘test-div’ |
This function has only 1 parementer when called as a function: pbjs.viewability.stopMeasurement()
pos | param | scope | type | description | example |
1 | vid | required | string | the unique viewability identifier, referencing an already started viewability tracker. | ‘test-div-1’ |
When a tracker needs to be stopped without direct access to Prebid.js, postMessage mechanism can be used here as well to invoke stopMeasurement
, providing payload with these fields:
param | scope | type | description | example |
vid | required | string | unique viewability identifier. See the description above. | ‘test-div-1’ |
message | required | string | must be ‘Prebid Viewability’ | ‘Prebid Viewability’ |
action | required | string | must be ‘stopMeasurement’ | ‘stopMeasurement’ |